
Welcome to the website dedicated to the Dominican Republic and particularly to Las Terrenas, a unique charming town, situated on perhaps the most beautiful beaches of the Hispaniola Island.

Here you will find all the essentials that will let you make the most of your stay in our country.

Through the links on top you can access a wide range of information and suggestions scrupulously and carefully collected and verified by the locals, as well as the list of services and facilities that we offer to tourists, aspirant residents and to everybody who is interested in moving to live in Dominican Republic pass the retirement, or to run a business, as many Europeans already did, creating their own little paradise on Earth.

But if you do not find what you are looking for, or if you are interested in our services, or have any questions whatsoever, please use the form below to contact us and we'll do our best to answer promptly with all our cordiality.

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